Samba Party with the Big band A Banda and Brazilian dance show
Since 1982, A Banda has been one of Copenhagen’s top samba show bands, playing concerts throughout Scandinavia, Europe and South America.
The style is Brazilian street samba, so the sound is raw and raucous; full of life and celebration. With a typical show featuring about 10 drummers and percussionists, 10 horn players, 10 performing dancers and any number of dancing audience members, wherever “The Band” arrive, the party is sure to follow!
In Brazilian Portuguese, “A Banda” simply means “The Band.” Since its start, A Banda has been a featured act at Denmark’s biggest samba event: the Copenhagen Carnival, which takes place every June. And every second year, we perform for the people who know and love samba best by traveling all the way to Brazil to join in carnival celebrations for several weeks in February. In between, we perform a great variety of jobs including public concerts, town festivals, private parties, business conventions and workplace events.
There will be a dance competition during the night and the winner gets a bottle of Champagne!
Place: Operaen Christiania
Doors: 22-03
Showtime 23.00
Price: 100 – Cash Only