Brazilian Night with Forró music.
Welcome to our Forró Night. Let’s dance and have fun with the Brazilian band Forró Novo.
Operaen Christiania. Doors: 22.00-03.00
Showtime: 23.00
Price: 100 kr – Cash Only
The band:
Arthus Fochi – Guitar and voice
Rômulo Duarte – Eletric Bass
Paulo Villegas- Drums and percussion
Alexander Kraglund – Violin and harmonica.
What is Forró?
Forró is a music style from Brazil´s Northeast. We can use this term for a whole family of related rhythms: Baião, Forró, Xaxado, Xote and Arrasta pé. Arrasta pé (“Drag your foot“) received its name due to the peculiar dancing movement: the soles of the feet drag over the floor with each dance step. Arrasta pé and Baião formed the guideline for the emergence of the Lambada, which also took over the typical dance style.
Xote is a slower rhythm with a very special swing, inspired by Polka and Mazurka. Forró is not only this rhythm family, but also the dance style as well as the festivity at which its music is played and danced. Let’s go to the Forró!
Who is @arthusfochi ?
Arthus Fochi is a composer, poet, producer and researcher. Actually, Based in Denmark, works in the development and culture interchange between different countries of South America and Europe through his solo work and as director of the label Cantores Del Mundo.
In his work, he combines different rhythms, resulting in beautiful new sounds, full of accent and technical knowledge. Jazz, Bossa Nova, Forró, Cumbia, Samba, Bolero, Candombe are part of Arthus’ repertoire, which he sings in Portuguese and Spanish. A lover of forró, Arthus spent 8 years studying forró and playing in Rio de Janeiro at June festivals in the city and countryside.
Arthus Fochi released seven albums and three books and collaborated with artists such as Tita Parra, Cátia de França, Dea Trancoso, Livia Nestrovisk, Juliana Linhares, Chico Chico, among other important artists of Brazilian popular music.